Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Good News!

Aiko is feeling better! After just a few days on the antibiotics, he's already back to his old self. I'll finish them up, but hopefully they take care of the problem long term.

I also got them a new water dispenser when I went to the vet. Tabetha enjoys spilling the water and playing with it. All over the dining room floor. I have no clue why that kitty loves water so much. It's odd.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Poor Kitty

About a month ago, Aiko wasn't feeling well. He had a hoarse voice, and was a little lazy. So we took him to the vet, and got him some antibiotics. They helped a lot. But now he's sick again! They want to do $155 bloodwork tests, which don't even cover the cost of treatment afterwards. Luckily they let me get a second round of the antibiotics to try, so hopefully they work. We can't afford a super sick kitty! So I was a good mom, and got him the only treat he enjoys. He won't eat treats or canned catfood, but he sure does love grass. But I can only let him have a little a day, or he eats a whole pot.

Poor cat. Feel better Aiko!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I love my Mom

I have a cold, so Mom called to see how I was feeling. She called on her cell phone and appologized for not having her "black-boober houndstooth thingy."

I'm pretty sure her hands-free bluetooth headset would be upset with it's new name. But it made me laugh. So love my technically un-saavy mother.


Monday, April 16, 2007

April Update

I haven’t updated this in a while, so I figured it was about time! It’s been a busy quarter. The sheer amount of reading I’ve had to do so far is amazing. And considering most of it has just been “review,” I’m looking at a really though time.

I have two exams this week, one in Psychology and one in stats. I’m not sure how I feel about either. I suppose they will both be relatively easy, but that has yet to be seen. My psychology class has been interesting. It was the class I was looking forward to the most this quarter, and I’m not enjoying it as much as I had hoped. The subject is social psychology, but the professor is a bit repetitive, and is going through some medical stuff right now, so the class tends to be on the boring side. Hopefully it will get better as she does! My stats class is tough because it’s stats. That pretty much explains it. The first exam is over the last few chapters we went over in the previous stats class, which makes it a little easier. The next two exams are on the computer, which is something I can generally do!

I’m also in a Philosophy class that I’m having a hard time enjoying. I’m taking the class for the easy 3 credits, since it’s a 100 level course. But it’s never a good sign when that’s your motivation, and the first day of class is spend discussing all the types of motivation you have for studying philosophy…. We’ll see how that goes. For some reason when I have other harder classes, epistemology and metaphysics don’t have that much appeal.

Jason’s classes seem to be going well. He has a lot of classes, but not nearly the same level of homework as I do. He should find out this week where his practicum is, so he’s pretty excited about that.

I also made some advances in planning our trip, so check out www.crosscountrydilleys.blogspot.com to find how that’s coming along.

And before I go, a funny cat story! (I know, you thought you would get away without hearing one, too bad!) So since it’s getting nicer outside, I decided to go and read my text books outside on the deck the other morning. Aiko sometimes likes to come visit me while I’m out there, and he’s pretty good about it. Our balcony is about 15ft off the ground, and he knows not to jump. Well, we were out there, and Tabetha felt left out. She kept wedging herself between the open sliding door and the screen and meowing at me with her little face squished into the screen. Then she starting jumping at the door to try to get to me. Needless to say, my reading wasn’t getting done. So I decided to see how she would handle being out on the deck too.

Our balcony is next to our neighbors balcony, with about a 3 foot gap between them. Below is the 15 foot drop. So I’m cautiously watching the kitten, and try to get back to my reading. Almost immediately she jumped over to the neighbor’s balcony. And couldn’t figure out how to get back. And starts yeowling at the top of her lungs “Mom! I’m scared and stuck!!!” At this point I’m a little worried, what if she tries to jump down, or misses jumping back. So I get Jason out of bed and have him wait on the deck and watch her, while I call the landlord and knock on the neighbor’s door. Neither were home, so Jason does the daring thing and decides to climb over to the neighbor’s balcony.

As I stand by nervously watching, he finally gets over to the other balcony. Tabetha immediately freaked out and jumped back to our balcony, where I picked her up and burst out laughing. Jason then glared at her and climbed back over to our deck. The rest of the day she was in “feral” mode, tearing around the house, acting tough.

I guess it’s time to buy chicken wire to line my deck, so she doesn’t try that adventure again!