Friday, February 15, 2008

Wow, Time to Update this!

A lot has happened since last August when I posted. We went on a fantastic road trip, and completed another quarter at WWU. It was Jason's last academic quarter, and he started student teaching at Whatcom Middle School in January. It was also an exciting quarter for me, since we found out I was pregnant! It wasn't necessarily unplanned, we just didn't expect it to happen within two weeks. Oh well, it's not our timing, but it will be great!

We're due July 23, 2008. I've been chronicling the pregnancy on in case you're interested. It's just an easy place to blog, and it's set up for kids. Someday I might move back to blogger, but for now I'm on the babysite. We don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet, we should know in the next month or so. So that's pretty much it for now!

Much Love,

Merrilee and Jason +1