Friday, March 23, 2007

Winter Quarter is Over!

Well, Winter quarter is finally over. I finished my last final on Wednesday, and Jason finished on Tuesday. I'm not sure what his grades are yet, and I only kind of know mine. I know I got an A in my Abnormal psychology class, and I got an 89.7% in my Anthropology class. I hate it when grades are on the cusp of A- or B+. I'm not sure how lenient she is on her grading scale either. She’s very vague on her syllabus. I’m still waiting to find out my Cognitive psychology grade. I felt really good about my grades until the final exam. I had an average of 95%, but I have no clue how well I did on the final. So I should get a high B (if I did terrible) to a high A (if I did really well). We’ll see.

Next quarter will be interesting. Jason is taking a ton of credits. He has to take 18 credits spring quarter and next fall quarter to be able to do his student teaching next winter and spring. We didn’t know student teaching was for two quarters, and he had planned for next spring, so now he has to have a couple hard quarters to pull it off. I’m registered for 16 credits (more than I’ve ever done) and so I’m a little worried too. It’s going to be a lot of homework for us! Since I have relatively few credits compared to other people at the same stage in my major, it’s hard for me to get into the classes I need. I was able to get into two, but not the two I really need to get in to. I talked to my advisor, and it seems that I can sit it, but I’m not guaranteed a spot. So I’m ok with my current classes, but the first week of school will be taking a lot of classes and trying to get override codes to switch my schedule around. Fun stuff.

On top of final exams this week, I decided I was tired of being a brunette, so after many chemicals and orange hair, I am now a blonde. Once I get pictures I’ll post them. It’s not a super natural blonde color, but it’s one that makes me happy. I realized that I have about a year and a half before I have to be a professional in the professional world. I’ll have some internships next summer and beyond, but for now, I can be me. I can decide to be blonde, and I can wear funny shirts, and I can decide to wear pajamas to school if I want to. So I’m going to take advantage of it. Why be an adult when I don’t have to be? Once we grow up and graduate we’ll be good adults. We already know how, we had experience before college. So we’re enjoying ourselves and our lack of responsibilities before we have kids.

We’re also going to Seattle for a bit this weekend. Not for long, just Saturday afternoon to Sunday night, but it will still be nice to see family. We’ll be bringing along Tabetha, because we’re not sure how well she would do for the weekend by herself. We realized she’s like our child. We certainly treat her that way. I love that kitten.

And because of that, you get a cute kitten story! (You knew it was coming) So Tabetha loves to copy Aiko in everything he does. Sometimes this is annoying to him, so he tries to get away from her. The other day he decided to climb in the closet to a place she couldn’t get to so he could have a nap to himself. She sees him up there, and after about 10 minutes of climbing, she manages to reach him. It was so funny, she gets up to him, curls up next to him, and meows like “aren’t you proud of me for getting to you?!?” He takes one look at her, and gives her the most disgusted look, and immediately jumps down out of the closet. Jason and I both cracked up. She makes us smile so often! We’re luck to have found her.

That’s a long post! But that’s all I have for now. Love you!

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