Thursday, June 14, 2007

It’s over. The quarter is over. My last final was this afternoon. I’m so glad to be done for the summer! College is a lot of hard work! I think I did well, and should get good grades. Jason’s done too, and he’s happy to be done as well.

Jason turned in his application for student teaching. He’ll be starting that next January, but I guess the process starts early! He’s looking forward to only having one more quarter of classes. I still have a ton left! But only 1 GUR (general university requirement) and 1 class for my minor, and the rest are all related to my major.

I suppose I could say more about school, but I’m done, and I don’t want to think about it for a while! So you just get a gap of information, and know we’ve been busy.

We got a roommate for the summer. His name is Bob, and he’s a really nice guy. So far adjusting to having him here hasn’t been bad at all! But then again, he’s been sleeping in the living room. My project for tonight and tomorrow is to clean out our computer room and turn it into a bedroom for him. That will be fun. I’m getting rid of a ton of stuff so we don’t have to store as much. Lots of cleaning for me to do!

My goals for this summer are to work, get some of my organizing projects taken care of, and finish planning our road trip! I’m getting super excited about it, and we’re not even leaving for a month and a half! Oh well, I guess we’ll just be really ready when the time comes :D This is all I have for now, I’m a little burned out. I'll leave you with pictures of my kitten:

Lots of love
- Merrilee

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