Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I love Seattle

Seattle is great. Even when it's a little rainy. Jason and I decided to head to Seattle last Saturday for my Mom's birthday, and to see his family for a bit. Jason went home Sunday night (he had to get back to work) but I'm still here. We spent Saturday night with Jason's parents, and then on Sunday my mom and I had a girls day out, while Jason hung out with Jessica for the day. Mom decided that she likes having a computer, but they're complicated.... so she's switching to a mac (yay!) and we ordered it online for her after finding out the printer she wanted wasn't available in stores. The original plan was for me to stay through Monday, and have lunch with Shawna and Jana (childhood friend and her mom) for June birthdays (all but mine) and then I went out to dinner with Michelle. But mom's computer isn't going to be here until Thursday, so I'm still here, working from her place until I can get her all set up on the new system.

I've been keeping busy here. I helped mom sort through her garage, and I have a huge pile to take to goodwill, and 22 craigslist posts. I also attempted to give Guess a bath, but he's so old he had a hard time standing through the whole thing, so it was a rush job. Poor old dog :(

I've also taken a ton of fun pictures with my new camera, which I now have posted on my flickr page. I set up my Flickr page so that friends and family can print my pictures, and download them as well. Right now it's not full quality, but I plan on upgrading so that you can. Well, that's all for now!

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