Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I lied

So earlier today, I posted that I wouldn't be posting much as the road trip approaches. I lied. This morning I had a meeting with Jack, and on the way there, I almost hit a baby deer. I saw the mom walking across the road, and I slowed down. Just as I was about to pass her, the baby jumped out and ran in front of me. Luckily I was able to stop in time. But I confused the baby, and it wound around the road for a bit, so I couldn't pass it. It eventually got off the road and I was able to get to my meeting.

After the meeting, as I was leaving Jack's house, I was confronted with this:

That's right. A peacock. He was offended that I wanted to pass him, and ruffled his feathers at me before letting me go.

Interesting day, I'd say.


I'm afraid this blog will be neglected for a bit as we gear up for our road trip. Even mundane things that I would usually post here have something to do with the road trip!

I'm still working with Jack on his book. This are going really well, and we're hoping to have it printed in the next week or so.

We're going out to lunch with Grandpa, Grandma, and my Mom on Sunday. I need to give mom her carpet cleaner back, and she's putting me on her costco card so that we can get snacks for the trip.

I'm keeping super busy between the stuff for Jack, working at Kohl's and getting ready for the road trip. Jason's really looking forward to having a vacation, he's so tired of work he's even ready to go back to school! Silly boy.

<3 M

Sunday, July 15, 2007


So Jason's car will now start... but it might not stop...

We'll be buying break pads today, and Jason's boss kindly offered to help him install them. The rear pads are down to below 5%, and if they go much further, the calipers will have to be replaced too. We knew they needed to be done, but they never squeeked. Then made this scary crunching noise, which we paid to find out what it was, but then they never squeeked after that either, so we just forgot about them. We're just not good car people I think.

My echo drives beautifully now though!

Friday, July 13, 2007

One more thing!

We got our financial aid info back for next year, and we both got about $9,000 in grants. Yay! But we'll still be taking some loans on top of that, since Jason will be student teaching and not working at all for 5-6 months. But still, more than last year!

Ohhh, new layout!

I was having fun looking at the layouts on Blogger. Every once and a while they add a few more, so I picked a new one. A little more colorful then the last one! I got the 60,000 mile tune up on my car done, and it wasn't as expensive as I was told, so that was a nice suprise! Still trying to figure out where we'll get Jason's done though. I better make a few phone calls when the shops are still open.

Ta ta!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Stupid Cars

Well, it's been an interesting week! My car is now at 60,000 miles, and we decided to do the whole tune-up with recommended maintenance so we will have a safe trip next month. So I scheduled that for friday, and then yesterday, Jason's car died. Well, not completely, just the alternator. So another car repair that we have to do, yay! At least his car is drivable, as long as he doesn't use his lights, radio, or air conditioning. Poor boy!

On top of that, he gets home early, and I ask why. "My pants broke, and I didn't feel like hobo belting it". He just needs his button resewn on, but not the greatest day for him.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy Fourth of July!

That's pretty much all I have to say. I cleaned my carpets, so I'm sore, but the floors are a lot cleaner! We're going to spend the afternoon/evening with Kit and Christine in Oak Harbor. Maybe I'll bring back cute pictures of their baby. And I made a dessert, so maybe that will be tasty. Anywho, have a safe holiday!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Mac Mama

My mom now has a mac. After some headaches with the printer, I got her all set up! She now can open her computer, and be connected to the internet, so she has no excuses for not checking her email! I had fun in Seattle, but I'm glad to be home. I missed Jason and my cats. For the first few days I was back, Aiko was sooooo cuddly! I guess he missed me, even though he had company here at home!

I spent this morning making cookies for a friend, and they turned out quite tasty. I had to sample them first! Sadly, I also burned my finger, so Jason has to wash the dishes.... the hot water hurts too much. And yes, the finger burn was an accident, I didn't purposefully inflict pain on myself just to get out of doing the dishes!

Anyway, the burn still stings, so I'll go put more ice on it.

<3 Merrilee