Sunday, July 1, 2007

Mac Mama

My mom now has a mac. After some headaches with the printer, I got her all set up! She now can open her computer, and be connected to the internet, so she has no excuses for not checking her email! I had fun in Seattle, but I'm glad to be home. I missed Jason and my cats. For the first few days I was back, Aiko was sooooo cuddly! I guess he missed me, even though he had company here at home!

I spent this morning making cookies for a friend, and they turned out quite tasty. I had to sample them first! Sadly, I also burned my finger, so Jason has to wash the dishes.... the hot water hurts too much. And yes, the finger burn was an accident, I didn't purposefully inflict pain on myself just to get out of doing the dishes!

Anyway, the burn still stings, so I'll go put more ice on it.

<3 Merrilee

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