Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I lied

So earlier today, I posted that I wouldn't be posting much as the road trip approaches. I lied. This morning I had a meeting with Jack, and on the way there, I almost hit a baby deer. I saw the mom walking across the road, and I slowed down. Just as I was about to pass her, the baby jumped out and ran in front of me. Luckily I was able to stop in time. But I confused the baby, and it wound around the road for a bit, so I couldn't pass it. It eventually got off the road and I was able to get to my meeting.

After the meeting, as I was leaving Jack's house, I was confronted with this:

That's right. A peacock. He was offended that I wanted to pass him, and ruffled his feathers at me before letting me go.

Interesting day, I'd say.

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